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LIFE AFTER BANKRUPTCY: Common Sense Advice for Post-Bankruptcy Clients

Most bankruptcy clients- well over 90%- are filed by normal people who’ve experienced severe life distress.  Such clients really have no choice but to file as their lives have spiraled out of control after job loss, health challenges and family issues. Our hope -and a primary goal around our office- is that after filing bankruptcy […]

Are My Retirement Funds Protected in Bankruptcy?

Numerous people take advantage of incentives offered by the federal government and employers that encourage people to save for retirement. This may be an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other similar retirement account. When people experience financial hardships they often are tempted to use the funds they have saved for retirement to regain their financial footing. […]

2014 Tax Refunds – Possibly the Best Use

As the days begin to lengthen, and despite the piles of snow, we know Spring is finally headed our way.  We also once again find ourselves in the midst of tax season and possible refunds. This all raises an important question for many of our friends who may be expecting substantial tax refund checks.  “What […]